L o a d i n g


The University of Queensland

How can zoos and aquariums better tailor their exhibits to captivate visitors?
How can zoos and aquariums better tailor their exhibits to captivate visitors and encourage conservation behaviours in everyday life? This project aimed to investigate the influence of values or broad life goals on the ways in which people engage with and respond to a zoo or aquarium visit.

This research was funded by the Australian Government through the Australian Research Council [ARC Linkage Project: LP150100266] in collaboration with The University of Queensland, other universities, and a number of zoos and aquariums across Australia.

Longitudinal surveys combined with focus groups
Longitudinal surveys
Participants completed three surveys over a two-month period, providing a baseline measure, a touchpoint immediately following the zoo visit, and a one-month follow-up.

Panel members visit zoos
CyberMarts account holders were invited to visit their local zoo in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide or Perth with a friend for free to participate in the conservation study.

In-depth focus groups
A series of values-based focus groups were conducted at the zoos to examine how different values groups interacted with particular exhibits and how conservation messages might be tailored to more effectively influence environmental action.

Clearer understanding of the visiting public
The findings have assisted zoos and aquariums to better understand the visiting public and thus improve the design and effectiveness of their communication practices, enabling the development of more effective materials that engage a wider cross-section of society.